Your Partner in Auction
Armstrong Fine Art LLC was launched in the summer of 2022.
Its owner, Bernard Derroitte, has been an art dealer for 25 years. He received his master’s
degree in art history from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium in 1998.
He moved to the United States and started working for a fine art gallery named Richard Reed Armstrong
Fine Art that same year. Bernard took over the dealership, renamed Armstrong Fine Art in 2006.
He is a specialist in 19th and 20th-century fine art.
He was a board member of the International Fine Print Dealer’s Association (New York, NY) for six years,
and led its marketplace integrity committee for four years.
Armstrong Fine Art LLC takes reliability, honesty, and courtesy very seriously. You can expect a personalized
service of excellence, intended to deliver a positive experience, as a buyer, or as a seller.